Sunday, November 23, 2014

2014 Oak Ass 100, Bham Alabama

I've been burning up I-65 the last two weeks. I've been between Nashville and Mobile a bunch preparing for my move back to Nashville, interviewing for jobs etc... It's been great because I was able to pre-ride Oak Mtn alot and re-familiarize myself with my old training grounds for this race. Oak Mtn is amazing. There is a TON of  good riding there, we didn't touch all of the dirt to be had there but Chainbuster's and Co. made sure to set up a killer 25 mile course we would complete a total of 4x for a sure fire 100 mile, painful race!

The race start was MUCH faster than I anticipated for a 100 miler. They started the 100 milers with the 50 milers, so while I was doing 4 laps, some of the guys/gals would only do 2. I got on the front and set a decently hard tempo hoping I could get the hole shot with ease... Brian Toone(100 miler) quickly swung to my left like a rocket, Ty Magner(50 miler) would ultimately get the hole shot. I was 5th into the woods. I wasn't sure all that were ahead of me, but I did know Craig Evans(50 miler) and Justin Lowe(100 miler). The pace was high leading into the double track fire road climb. Craig got on the front for the 3 mile climb, there was about 7 of us total leading charge behind Craig's pace. Craig's pace was perfect. He was going hard enough no one attacked but easy enough I was able to recover and attack for the KOM at the top of the climb. I went about 75% max effort with only 2 guys to chase me for the KOM, I eased up and took the KOM with more ease than I was expecting.

Ezra Lusk(50 miler and eventually winner of the 50), Gordon Wadsworth, Barnabas Froystad and myself would break away from everyone else at this point leading into the most technical section of the trail, Jekyll and Hyde. Craig would have been with us, however he ended up having 3 flats!

I led charge on J&H and the rest of the first lap. Going into the 2nd lap, I sprinted with Barnabas in-tow to get onto Gordon's wheel all while scarfing down some food. Barnabas took lead and holy cow his pace was furious! He was laying it down! Going into the fire road climb the second time, our split was actually faster than lap 1. Gordon was on a SS and Barnabas was on an Epic. Much respect to Gordon, dude was CRUSHING it on his SS. I know a lot about Wadsworth through the grapevine of his much respected and good reputation in the MTB endurance world. No doubt both he and Barnabas were stellar dudes and fierce competition.

I had a big advantage in my corner. My great friend Andrew Sorey gave up his weekend to come support me in the race. I took that advantage with a very fast pit leading into lap 3. Andrew had me bottles and food in a matter of seconds and I was off. I never actually had to get off my bike the entire race thanks to his help in the pits, thanks Sorey!!

I used the 2nd lap to study how Gordon and Barnabas were riding. There was no question they were both super smooth(smoother than me) and I only felt like I could recover on the climbs. So come lap 3, I had a gap with my fast pit and I rode the climbs as hard as I could and recovered everywhere else I could to the best of my ability trying to stay off the brakes and keeping momentum.

I had another fast pit coming into lap 4. Sorey lubed my chain, gave me a Coke in a bottle and I was off like a rocket. I started thinking I may have the win at this point. On top of the fire road climb, I had a huge sensation of fatigue that I wouldn't shake until riding J&H the last time. I really had to use the bathroom. So..... I did just that, haha. I felt much better after that! I was nervous to give up any time gap I had, but when you gotta go, you go. I was also really hot. I'm not sure I have re-acclimated to the humidity and heat in the South. I rode to the finish with my bibs off my shoulders and my jersey unzipped.

I was lucky to take the win. It was hard fought and I am very blessed with great friends and a family who support my racing shenanigans! Special thanks to John K and Chainbuster's for the top shelf event and professionalism and to Barnabas and Gordon for the killer competition and sportsmanship.

Until next time.