Tuesday, March 26, 2013

SERC #1 Ocala, FL.

I want to start off first by telling everyone how incredibly blown away I was by the MTB scene in FL. For a state that has zero mountains, I am beyond impressed with the community of racer's there. Ocala has 70 miles of single track leaving from 2 different trail heads all within about 1 mile of each other with Santos alone. It was cool as hell watching little kids hitting dirt jumps with moms and dads chillin', grilling food and just the whole scene was amazing, it is now NO WONDER at all that FL produces some amazing talent in cycling. These kids have an impressive exposure to the sport that I only wish my hometown or even Nashville had.

The race was on a roughly 6 mile course. The pro's did 4 laps. The course was fun with 50% of it being flat and crazy fast with bermed corners and the other half super technical with tons of ups and downs with rock traverses and 180 degree turns. 

I had a bad start, ONCE AGAIN, dammit! I had this huge bodybuilding looking dude to the right of me at the start that has a fast start and cut me off so it delayed my goal of top 5 into the woods even more so. Kudos to him, he did great! 

The start of the race was probably one of the slowest starts I've ever experienced in any race, ever. 100 milers and all. Everyone seemed content leading into the tech section with no yelling or jockeying for position. I was 8th or 9th into the woods and I was itching to make some moves forward.

Sorting through the yo-yo effect that comes with racing tight and twisty trails, I was able to place myself in the top 4 towards the end of the first lap. I was feeling good and ready to heat up the pace on the 2nd lap without all the traffic, my legs felt awesome and I knew that with a course like this I could potential negative split every lap. 

Starting the second lap, I was able to get in front of Chase Dickens(american classic/xpedo/maxxis) just as we headed into the woods from the feed zone. Hammer down! I was railing through the flat section much faster than before on the 1st lap. Leaning into some of the sandy corners, I noticed while using my rear brake (corner traction) that the lever was getting soft on me. By the time I hit the technical mix of the trail it was as if someone cut the line on my brakes. My lever was completely gone and useless! My first thoughts were about the recall Magura just had with the brake levers. My front brake was working fine. I have had my fair share of bad luck in races, flats, chain issues or whatever but...

I then made the decision to finish the race. Not only finish but still race. I took little risks. I want to podium in this series at the end of the year and I won't get very far DNF'ing. My second lap was still faster than my first. I pushed through the sections I knew I could, and hit the punchy stuff full bore. I rode more conservatively where I knew crashing would be more at risks and only managed to fall off my bike twice.
Aside from the crashes my lap times were still consistent with a 25,24,25,25. 

I was very pleased to hold down 4th place and still compete minus the setback. It was still a tight race. I finally feel like I am coming along with a better attitude towards racing, I love to ride my bike and I got to do just that. A positive attitude and determination will pay off, you just have to push through the bullshit! 

I called Magura today at work and have a new rear brake in transit. I always talk to Corey and want to make it clear, they have excellent customer service and great brakes. Shit happens and in a sport with equipment that is constantly pushed to its limits, you can't expect for everything to be perfect 100% of the time.

I had a terrific time in FL with great competition and great company. Can't wait to do it all over again in 2 weeks at Tsali!

Here was the PRO podium from the race.
Thanks for reading!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Pick Your Poison XC TBRA#1

This past weekend kicked off the Tennessee mountain bike season with Pick Your Poison XC in Chattanooga. I did this race last year and expected the same outcome in attendance but boy I was wrong! The race nearly doubled in size! The local MTB scene has little turnout compared to the SERC series but the new race director Michael Long did great job advertising and the race boosted huge talent in every respected category.

Word on the street was the race was going to be ran backwards. I have only ridden the course once and that was racing it last year. I'm getting super old and my memory was faulty on what the trail was like anyways, so I wasn't sweating the direction change like some of the locals. I knew with what little rain we've had the course would be fast, I do remember the trail had/has very little technical sections.

Onto the race...

The pro open field had 10 guys in it. Stout for a TBRA race and I was pumped to race some dudes I knew nothing about. Spring break was going on and we had a dude from Cali and two other guys from Ohio racing with us. It's pretty easy to stalk race results on USA Cycling and these dudes are pretty legit so I was stoked to race against them! Along with my teammates and friends Matt Schupp and Billy Wood, I knew this race would be killer.

The start had a pretty sweet "S" downhill curve into a grass field that led into the woods. The S turn I thought was straight ballin', I loved railing that corner every lap. I had a bobble at the start clipping in and thought I'd get a bad position on the turn however I was on the inside so I hit the accelerator and took the line sharp and help 3rd wheel into the woods.

From the gun we were haulin'! I don't know the guy that got the hole shot but he was a big dude and had good power but he faded pretty quickly. About 5 mins in we were all yelling at him to move over, which he did. I was then sitting in 2nd. Sean Leader, my buddy I traveled to Mellow Johnnys with was in the front now pushing the pace. He was riding strong, hitting the punchy uphill kickers hard but bobbled on a rooty downhill right-hander, my heart rate was kickin' and I didn't want to settle in. I took that opportunity to cut around and take charge of the lead, immediately picking up the pace a bit. I rode steady and maintained a small gap over the field on the remainder of the first lap, around 30 secs or so.

I always love the second lap. After the first lap you get a better feel for the course and know where you can push the limits and also where you can recover from hard efforts. I tried not to think about the race behind me and kept things smooth and consistent. I'm sure everyone was attacking the hell out of one another which gave the advantage to me if I could keep it smooth and hard paced for the next two laps! The course had very little climbing which does NOT suit me however, there were a few BMX style pump sections that I love racing on. I played to my childhood bike riding strengths and held on for the win!

Yeah, I'm tiny! So what!

To give you an example of how fast the course at Booker T is, I maintained an average speed of near 15mph for the race. For an XC race, and 100% single track that's rare in MTB racing to my experience. Everyone had a great race. My teammates did rad as well. Billy got 4th just missing the sprint for 3rd. And Matt rode to a strong finish for 5th.

I'm super pumped for the racing season, I cannot say it enough! My #1 goal this year is a podium position for the overall in the SERC series. This race gave me great confidence going into the first race of that series March 24th in Ocala,FL.

Congrats to everyone I know that raced! You are all AMAZING and keep the hammer down!
Holla at cha boy!  

Monday, March 4, 2013

MJC PRO XCT #1 (Fear the Beard!)

I don't even know where to start with this one. Simply having the opportunity and chance to race in the PRO XCT field is amazing. I've never been one to live a life of "woulda coulda shoulda". If you want something to happen, you make it happen. Saturday I stood aside 61 other competitors all gunning for their best performance in what was the hardest race effort of my life.

Billy, Sean and I took Sean's sweet-ass Mercades Sprinter van to Texas for stop #1 of the Pro Cross Country Tour, the Mellow Johnnys Classic. Located west of Austin at Flat Creek Ranch, the first race of the season promises a shit ton rocks, cactus and all around fun racing bikes.

I'll keep this post short and sweet, this weeked was one I will never forget! Photos are in no particular order, I'm just lazy.
1k to go sign, lil stinger of an uphill that led into a cattle trail on the ranch that was a fast section with one uphill rock traverse before the finish line.

Shreddin' some Downtown Austin fun after the race. Downtown Austin is INSANE, plus they have an arcade with free games if you drink...

Billy soakin' in the VIP lounge area the day of preride. Incredible scene seeing how the top riders are treated. None of seem to take it for granted which is cool. But must be nice!

Little butt shot action of me preriding one of the uphill rocky sections.

No shortage of rock and dust in Dripping Springs, TX. I was beyond please with my bike setup for this race. It could not have been any better!

The race has TONS of spectators. Had a few dudes heckling me for my Aviators and beard. Needless to say I was the only pro rider wearing aviators and rocking a beard, but that's just how I roll! This was taken after the race, so much dust in the beard!

My buddy Andrew Sorey and I always do this before big races. Helps with motovation when you go to deep, dark and lonley places in races when all you wanna do is die, you're riding your lungs through your chest and you look down and dig even deeper!

Anyone who follows professtional cycling should know who this is. We ran into MTB national champ and USA Olympian Sam Schultz downtown after the race, what a great dude! With him was also his teammate and current U23 national champ Russell Fitzenwald.

Bad shot, but this is the inside of the Sprinter van. Traveling in this things was a dream! Huge thanks to Sean Leader!

I make this blog more for myself and reflection of past experiences so if anyone reading has any questions or comments you can add me on FB or message me stuff at KYLEADAMTAYLOR@GMAIL.COM
I really appreciate everyone reading. It's funny how alot of my friends asked if I won this race. HA, simply put, NO. I did not. I started in 47th position and finished 34th moving up 13 spots. I am beyond satisfied with the outcome. Of course, I'd love to do better. I will keep grinding it out and eventually I'll get a better starting position and maybe some sponsorship.

All in all, the race was a success. I'm so pumped to continue this year in high spirits and race my heart out to continue up the ladder in this sport I love so much. It will take alot of sacrifice and hardwork but I am game more than ever! I've had a piece and now I want it all!

Thanks for reading.