Monday, October 27, 2014

2014 Chainbusters 12 hour Nite Nationals

I heard about this race a few months ago. I'm not sure if it was Mike Bergen or Bec Bale that told me about it but at the time I was living in Colorado. Even though my parents live only 3 hours from Auburn, Alabama(where the race was held), I wasn't sure I could make the event. No doubt, the payout was attracting the attention of endurance racers all over the Country, I am a little bit disappointed in the turnout especially considering the professionalism and high stoke level of Kenny and the Chainbusters gang, I've raced all over the Country this year and they do it up right! I haven't lived and worked in Colorado for about 3 weeks now, I just so happened to be visiting my family in Alabama. I hit up a friend, Brian Toone to see if he was interested in a long ride this weekend and he told me/reminded me about Nite Nationals, I'm glad he did! Unfortunately, he wasn't able to race.

My parents came to support me for the race. They haven't made it to a race in about 2 years. I was super excited to race in front of them, I've gotten alot faster since they last saw me race and I love to make them proud, so there was extra motivation there for sure. This pic is prior to the start, my Mom helped me mix bottles and lay out food.

The race started at 9pm and was to end at 9am the following day. I've some good night training already this year, racing the Vapor Trail 125 which starts at 10pm and recently driving home from Colorado, I drove through the night, I knew staying awake would be a none-issue for me.

The race was help at Chewacla State Park in Auburn. The park was beautiful and reminded me of everything I love about riding in Alabama. Lush green forest, tons of water, springs and waterfalls: tight, twisty hand-built singletrack, rocks and roots, opossums, raccoons and deer were all abundant. The course was relentless, 100% singletrack, it demanded constant pedaling, there was never a time to take a break and recover,

The only 2 guys I knew would be giving me a run for the money was Eddie O'dea and Jeff Clayton . I've raced Eddie in a few NUE's and I remembered Jeff from Snake Creek Gap 2 years ago. Both of those guys are tough and very fast several hours into a race, and the first few laps are not what matters!

The race start was about what I expected. A fast tempo but not too fast. I was 3rd going into the woods and I quickly became 2nd wheel to Eddie who was upping the pace a bit. Eddie was bobbing a bit in the rocky loose turns and I was scrubbing speed and having to brake in corners, then accelerate out of them(using more energy than needed) so at the start of lap 2, I made a move to take over the pace making. No one came with me and I was alone all the way to the finish. I used the 2nd lap to 'test the waters'. I would rail corners and make mental notes of where I could save energy and where I could drink fluids, this is a VERY important part of endurance lap racing, one I think too many people oversee. From lap 3 to the 13th, I was like a machine, I would brake, bob and weeve and I would drink and act just like the lap before, trying to keep things consistent as possible.

Most of my laps were within 5 minutes of one another, I spent about 7 mins total in the pits over the 12 hours of racing. That including swapping batteries, grabbing food, chatting with my Dad, lubing my chain and an air adjustment to my fork.

I'm happy to come away with the win. This was the 1st annual Nite Nationals and I have a feeling it will grow big time in the years to come!

I'd lke to give a special thanks to my parents, they have alway been my biggest fans. Ergon International for making killer grips I can hang onto for 12 hours at a time and a saddle still comfy after 12 hours as well. Felt Bikes for making the best hardtail MTB I've ever had. And Swiftwick socks, I rocked the Pursuit 7's and they were warm and comfy all night long.

Here's a few more pics:

Right after the race, I was happy to sit down ;)

My Mom is adorable, she was cold all night long but tuffed it out!!

My bike after the race. It was very dusty.

Crossing the finish line.

Overall podium finish: 1st, Kyle, 2nd, Jeff Clayton, 3rd, Eddie O'dea

Thanks for reading everyone!! Until next time...

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